Women working for livelihood
Women are working while thier husbands migrate to India.
Achham-For most Journey starts here
Crossing Nepal Border
Crossing Nepal Border
Inspite of her loss, smiling and sharing her story to aware others
Decided to move - filled with anxiety and uncertainity as to what lies ahead
Crossing Bangaladesh Border
Bengali Languag: Enhancing Mobile Populations' Access to HIV & AIDS Information and Services (EMPHASIS) is a 5-year initiative funded by the Big Lottery Fund (BIG), the largest distributor of National Lottery good cause funding in the United Kingdom. The project aims to reduce the vulnerability of key mobile populations to HIV & AIDS along two mobility routes between Bangladesh/India and Nepal/India by delivering focused interventions at source, transit and destination points.
EMPHASIS works with highly vulnerable groups who are largely poor and uneducated, come from rural Bangladesh and Nepal, and end up migrating to cities in India with dreams and hopes of better jobs to support their family back home. There is a need to reach out to these key populations to reduce their vulnerabilities to HIV and AIDS. One of the major components of EMPHASIS's work is advocacy from village level to national and regional levels to help create a supportive and enabling environment for migrants from Nepal and Bangladesh in India.
This photostory is an insight into the vulnerabile situation of Bangladesi migrants.